::Patience ARE Miracle::


close yr eyes. let it go :')
Music Box



Template: Nurul AtiQah
Edited By: Nadiah  Qistina Ya'cob

if you still were here, beside me...

hmmm. until today you have been in my heart for one year. rindunye nadia kat apis, tuhan je yang tahu mcm mane sakit die. lapan may ni kan nadia ade cite kat jupa dari tahun lepas lagi tau, nadia cite yang nadia akan bake cookies for him!! konon nak bg kat die la kan. tapi ape yg tinggal, cume harapan. hmmm :) nevermind, walaupun die takde, nadia buat jugak cookiesnye. tengok bawah
  hehe, comel tak? yg kat telinga tu kokocrunch. mata tu coklat rice.haha, mase tu tade bahan sgt. and cookies ni ta berape sedap. hmm, even ta sedap, nadia makan jugak. mase tu, how i wish that die dtg and makan skali dgn nadia. hmmpp, *merepek* tp ape apepon, IMISSYOU HAFIZ :'( ape yg nadia bule bg kat die cume doa. hmm, Al-Fatihah~ 
Nadia,just you please dont forget the smile that he gave to you on that day,on that moments :) MEMORY